3 ways to use NFC stickers with your Photo Booth Business

When it comes to running youR Photo Booth Business, there are plenty of opportunities to use technology to create a more unique and personalized experience for your customers. One way to do this is by using NFC stickers.

If you're not familiar with NFC stickers, they are small tags that can be programmed with information and interact with smartphones when tapped against them. As a Photo Booth Business owner, there are a few ways you can use NFC stickers to enhance your business and create a more interactive experience for your customers.

Code an NFC sticker with your website

One way to use NFC stickers with your photo booth business is to code an NFC sticker with your website. This way, whenever someone asks for a card, you can have them scan a hidden sticker on the photobooth using their smartphone. This is a great way to promote your website and increase traffic to your site. Additionally, by providing a hidden NFC sticker, you can create a fun and interactive experience for your customers.

Streamline operations with NFC stickers

NFC stickers can also be used to streamline operations within your photo booth business. For example, if you are managing an event with an expected higher volume of guests, you can code a nfc sticker to go to a website where they can preregister for their photos. for example, snappic has a qr code interaction where the guest will register their phone number then another qr code is displayed that is shown on the photobooth. it’s a contactless way to get the guest their photo and keep a line moving! an nfc sticker or card is a great way to quickly give a guest access to a website and much more fun than scanning a qr code!

ask for guest feedback

Finally, you can use NFC stickers to collect customer feedback. By coding an NFC sticker with a survey or feedback form and placing it on your photo booth, you can direct customers to the form where they can provide feedback on their experience with your business. This can be a valuable tool in improving your business and providing better customer experiences.

Programming your nfc sticker


Programming an NFC sticker is a simple process that can be done using a smartphone with NFC capabilities and a compatible app. First, you need to download an NFC writing app on your smartphone, such as NFC Tools. Then, open the app and select the "Write" option. Next, tap the NFC sticker with your smartphone and follow the instructions on the app to program the sticker with the desired information, such as a website URL, a photo filter, or a feedback form. Once the programming is complete, the NFC sticker is ready to use. Simply place the sticker on your Photo Booth or other props, and customers can tap their phones against the sticker to interact with it. It's an easy and effective way to enhance the customer experience and engage with your customers

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Ryan Salinas

I’m a Texan that lives in Vegas with lots of opinions and occasionally I take pictures of things. 


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