Why I Still Use Pen and Paper in a Digital World

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

I’ve always been a tactile person, someone who finds immense satisfaction in the physical act of putting pen to paper. There’s something incredibly cathartic about it, a sense of connection and accomplishment that I don’t get from digital tools. My friend Melissa has often remarked that I'm very “techno,” and she’s not wrong. Even on the show Super Boothers, one of my main catchphrases was, “Hey! There’s this new thing called…” I love discovering and using the latest technology. Whether it's apps like Dialpad, Slack, Tave, Zendesk, or Snappic for my business, I’m always excited to integrate new tech into my workflow. However, despite my enthusiasm for digital tools, I’ve never been able to make the full switch to a completely digital calendar.

In today’s fast-paced world, some things just can’t be helped. So, yes, I do use tools like Motion to manage online Zoom meetings and such, but when it comes to planning my day, nothing beats good old-fashioned pen and paper. It might seem old-fashioned in this digital age, but for me, it’s a non-negotiable part of my routine.

As someone who is constantly striving to learn and improve, I’ve been doing a lot more reading than usual. One of the insights I have gained recently is that if something works for me —don’t apologize just lean into it. This realization has been liberating. Every day, I now start with a bit of quiet time, although it doesn’t typically last long before the phone starts dinging, to write down all the things I can reasonably accomplish that day. This piece of paper stays with me throughout the day, and sometimes I even print out the next day’s sheet in advance to jot things down as they come to mind. There’s something deeply satisfying about physically scratching off tasks as I complete them with my favorite pen. It makes me feel more productive and in control of my day.

My daily planning routine has become a cherished ritual. Every morning or sometimes the night before, I print out my Daily Planner. This simple act sets the tone for my day and gives me a sense of structure amidst the chaos. It takes me back to middle school, where my favorite English teacher, Mrs. Herndon, would walk to the, gulp, chalkboard and outline the day’s agenda. Yes, I’m dating myself here, but those moments left a lasting impression. She instilled in me a love for organization and a craving for routine, even though my life is often anything but routine due to frequent travel and a chaotic, unpredictable schedule.

This blend of nostalgia and necessity is why I stick to my paper planner. It’s a small but significant way to bring order to my day. I genuinely believe that having a tangible plan helps me stay focused and accomplish more. That’s why I’m excited to share my Daily Planner with you. I hope it helps you conquer your day just as it helps me tackle mine. By leaning into what works for us, we can all find a bit more peace and productivity in our daily lives.

Now go forth and be more productive!

Ryan Salinas

I’m a Texan that lives in Vegas with lots of opinions and occasionally I take pictures of things. 


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